Bachelors Degrees in Public Administration

Consider a featured online public administration program currently taking applications.

School Level Program
Arizona State University Bachelor Online Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning
Study transportation, business districts, neighborhoods, green space and more.
Arizona State University Bachelor Online Bachelor of Science in Public Service & Public Policy
Public service and public policy degree curriculum emphasizes enabling positive change in local, national and global communities.
Utica University Bachelor BS in Criminal Justice - Public Policy and Leadership
120 Total Credits; 2-4 Years; 100% Online

Click to view more online public administration degrees that are taking applications for 2024.

Before you choose to enroll in a bachelors program in public administration, you should gather information about what is included in these programs and the reputation of the college you plan to enroll in. Quality is an important part of a degree program, so it should always be reviewed by prospective students.

If you have an interest in the field of public administration, you can rest assured that there are great degree programs just waiting for you to enroll in.

This guide can help you become familiar with what BPA programs consist of, the topics you can learn throughout educational programs, and the end result of achieving this degree. While there are plenty of advanced degree programs available for those interested in this field, the bachelors degree program may be the most influential program due to its general nature and all-inclusive curriculum. Read more about this incredible degree program in the sections below.

Consider a featured online public administration program currently taking applications.

School Level Program
Arizona State University Bachelor Online Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning
Study transportation, business districts, neighborhoods, green space and more.
Arizona State University Bachelor Online Bachelor of Science in Public Service & Public Policy
Public service and public policy degree curriculum emphasizes enabling positive change in local, national and global communities.
Utica University Bachelor BS in Criminal Justice - Public Policy and Leadership
120 Total Credits; 2-4 Years; 100% Online

Click for more 100% online public administration programs.

At the bachelors level, students can learn more about how the public sector operations, methods for leadership and policy development, and sectors of interest for students from diverse backgrounds. The introductory knowledge that can be gained at this level can prepare students for positions in the field of public administration or even for higher-tier degree programs in the future.

Sample Courses/What to Expect

When entering into a Bachelor’s in Public Administrationprogram, you can expect to see a lot of general education courses as part of your initial requirements. These programs are usually the same or similar to those in all bachelor degree programs, with some differing depending on whether you are pursing an arts or science degree. In addition to these courses, students may start taking courses that are specific to the field of public administration. It is at this point that you can gather introductory information about the different topics in public administration, which can help you develop a foundation of knowledge for further learning in higher degree programs. Some of the common courses for these programs are listed below for you to read through.

  • Foundations of Public Administration: In this course, students can be introduced into several different topics that may arise throughout this degree program. Social sciences, politics, and finance are some introductory topics that may be discussed, as well as specific skill subjects such as leadership and policy development.
  • Decision Making in the Public Sector: In order to be the best you can be in the field of public administration, you should have great problem solving skills. This course seeks to educate students on the historical foundation of this subject area and the popular methods for addressing issues present within current society. Independent and group thinking activities may be a part of this course.
  • Governmental Accounting: Since accounting and budget are such an important aspect of the public administration field, students may be introduced to these topics at the earliest degree level. Methods for providing insight and review of financial policies may be discussed, as well as tools for more effective financial planning.
  • Grant Writing: If you are interested in working for non-profit agencies, grant writing may be an important skill needed to provide the best service to your organization. This course helps students understand what is required to apply for an obtain grants, as well as the language required during the planning process.
  • Urban/Regional Planning: Courses such as this one are catered towards students that are interested in working for local and influential public administration organizations. This course helps students understand how community improvement programs operate, the methods involved in the research and planning phases, and improvement propositions.

Online Degree Programs Available

If you have made the decision to pursue your bachelors degree online, you may be setting yourself up for a convenient career-advancing experience. Since online degree programs can be attended in your free time, you can still continue to work or engage in personal responsibilities as needed. The schools listed below are great options for students that want this option for their degree program. Our team of educational experts encourages you to thoroughly review the curriculum and financial components of each school prior to making your decision.

  • Florida International University: At FIU, students pursuing their online Bachelor’s in Public Administration can take advantage of a 100% online degree program filled with quality and substance. This degree program may require students to complete a total of 120 credit hours for graduation, with 60 credit hours providing specific focus into public administration. This degree program can be completed in around 4 years for most full-time students.
  • California Baptist University: Students that wish to pursue their Bachelor’s in Public Administration fully through online courses may be pleased to discover California Baptist University’s completely online program. This program can help students to prepare for higher-tier positions in the field of public administration through in depth study and research. This program may require students to complete 120 credit hours, including both upper and lower division courses. Students enrolled in this program can graduate within 4 years on average.
  • California Baptist University – Online BS in Public Administration
  • St. Petersburg College – Online BS in Public Administration
  • The University of Maryland – Online BS in Public Safety Administration

What You Can Do with this Online Degree

Bachelor degree programs in public administration can lead to many entry-level opportunities in the field. Depending on what topics interest you, you may be able to find an intriguing opportunity within your own community.

Positions in social services, public affairs, or even the national government may be available to degree earners at this level. As you can see below, there are many common fields that are present within most communities across the United States. Having a diverse knowledge of the public domain can help you to obtain careers that can make a difference in society and the lives of others.

  • Local Government: Representing the public is often a primary component of careers in local government. Professionals in this area may work for a defined cause, such as increasing awareness of drug abuse, fighting for educational funding, or reviewing the necessary components for social wellness. Regardless of which area you might find yourself working, this career field is great for those that want to make a difference in society.
  • Sociology/Social Research: In order to better understand how society operates and methods for improvement, there must be data on current activities and demographics. Social researchers can interview people within the community, gather data regarding the environment, and submit their findings to those that are focused on social change.
  • Public Affairs: In business and even government positions, professionals that specialize in public affairs may be responsible for transmitting important information to the general public. This can be through creating helpful marketing programs, speaking with the public about interests, or providing information through the media or interviews.

Some of the most common fields of public administration graduates to work in may be those concerned with the needs of society. Social services, healthcare, government and education may be huge fields to consider at this level, since these are some of the most socially-influential career fields currently available in society today. Public administration graduates can work in positions that involve planning, management, directing and even implementing services directly to people within the community. Take a look at some of the career titles below.

  • Local Government Official
  • Social Researcher
  • Youth Service Worker
  • Community Housing Official
  • Health/Food Service Worker
  • Public Service Official

How Much Can A Bachelor’s Degrees in Public Administration Graduate Make?

Most students may choose a degree program that can set them on track for great potential earnings and a fruitful career. In the field of public administration, you may be free to choose from a large variety of different work settings that can put you in touch with society and its needs.

Depending of what type of career you plan to pursue, you may find that the earnings can vary depending on your choice. In terms of growth, most fields in the public domain may be seeing a growth due to the overall growth of the population and the focus on provide well-rounded public services to the public.

As an example, the BLS reports that the field of Public Relations should see a growth of 10% over the next decade. While there may be too many different specific roles to count for graduates of this program, our team wanted to provide you with a few examples of careers and their respective salaries. Take a look below at what was found.

BPA Versus Bachelor’s in Business Management

Your search for the perfect degree program can sometimes require you to consider differences between similar degree programs. There may be multiple degree programs that offer you attractive benefits in terms of a career and some that may fall short of what you are looking for.

One of the most common contenders for BPA students may be the Bachelor’s in Business Management. While this program may consist of some similar topics as the BPA, there are specific differences in both the degree program and the intended outcomes of each.

The Bachelor’s in Business Management can provide students with an in-depth look into private organizations, financial management and employee leadership. This program was designed for upcoming professionals interested in pursuing careers in businesses and organizations that provide services and products to the public.

In comparison to the BPA, the BMA may focus more on the private sector and its guidelines rather than public organizations that may be funded and operated by the U.S. Government. The BPA may be the right choice for students that wish to pursue careers in fields that are focused on improving communities and providing much needed assistance to people throughout the community.

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